Intensive EMDR Therapy
Intensive EMDR therapy is a very effective and time efficient way of working through and resolving traumatic memories with EMDR. Often a single day of intensive EMDR can allow us to work through the same amount of traumatic material that would otherwise take 2-3 months in weekly sessions. It is a focused, in-depth, and immersive approach to trauma treatment.
Flash technique
The Flash Technique, developed by EMDR Trainer Phil Manfield, is a quick and safe way of processing disturbing memories without the need to feel these memories as intensely as you do with other approaches like EMDR. I often use Flash and EMDR in my work with clients suffering from PTSD or complex PTSD. The Flash Technique is particularly suited for intensive therapy as it allows us to process multiple bad memories at the same time which can dramatically increase the speed of processing.
EMDR 2.0
EMDR 2.0 is an enhanced version of EMDR developed by Dutch psychologist Ad de Jongh which can also speed up the process of EMDR and allow the client to process memories that are more disturbing without becoming emotionally overwhelmed. The process of EMDR 2.0 involves setting additional practical or mental tasks at the same time as eye movements in order to place a greater tax on the working memory. Like the Flash Technique, EMDR 2.0 allows the therapist and the client to process multiple memories at the same time in order to speed up the therapy process.
Who can benefit from intensive treatment?
People seeking specific, focused trauma treatment
People with single event trauma who want to address it intensively
People who have constrained time or who find it hard to fit weekly therapy sessions into their busy lives
People who would like help with feared future events, for instance the fear of flying or presenting in public.
Intensive therapy process
There will be two or three 60-minute assessment sessions so that we can understand your symptoms, difficulties and treatment goals and plan our work for the intensive EMDR sessions.
EMDR Intensive Sessions
Intensive EMDR will usually involve at least two longer 90-minute EMDR therapy sessions in the morning of one day. Additionally, some clients will also choose to book two more 60-minute sessions in the afternoon of that day.
When there are fewer traumatic memories to process, we may book just one day of intensive treatment, however, for most clients, two or more days will be needed.
For the best experience of intensive EMDR therapy I recommend attending face to face sessions at my practice in Stoke Newington, NE London, but the treatment is also similarly effective when it is delivered online with Zoom.
Review appointments
After the intensive treatment days, we will plan some 60-minute follow-up sessions in order to assess our progress in therapy and to discuss if further intensive treatment is needed.
Intensive EMDR sessions are charged at the same hourly rate as other sessions. See Terms and Prices for more details.
Several research studies have added to the already substantial research base for EMDR therapy with specific studies of intensive EMDR, for example: